Connect the Trails

Fund development is a major priority for non-profit organizations and tourism operators are no exception. During our major marketing project with the Manuels River Hibernia Interpretation Centre, one of the areas they asked for help in was coming up with a fundraiser to help raise the money to expand their trail systems.

The Campaign

The focus of our creative direction was to create a campaign that tapped into the emotional connection many people in the area have with Manuels River, the people that work there and their trail systems. With this in mind, we produced a logo, video, microsite and print piece that the fundraising team could share with potential donors. A launch event was organized and attended by government officials, local business people and other supporters. To date, the campaign has attracted hundreds of thousands of dollars and is well on its way to achieving its goal — connecting the trails.


You can check it out at


SAY [email protected]